Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Scientific Proof of Psychic Phenomenon



Have you ever met someone with whom you had an instant connection? It feels like you've known them your whole life, and you slip into a familiar relationship that is deeper than should be possible for a new acquaintance. Or maybe you've had a deja vu experience where you feel like a certain situation has happened before or you've been to a particular place before when in fact you haven't. Or, at least not in this life. We explain these experiences away as interesting or nice or odd, but we rarely think of them as people and places from past lives coming into our present life. We feel like we know them or have experienced them because our soul knows the connection and carries it deep inside of our physical bodies. Because many of us are skeptical about psychic phenomenon, reincarnation and energy healing, we tend to marginalize them. Truly, they are more powerful than what we consider normal. Please join us Thursday to learn the scientific evidence that makes the unbelievable real.