Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Accessing the Wisdom of Your Soul



I'm not creative. How often have you said that or heard others say it? You can stay stuck in false beliefs or you can realize the truth: We are all creative. We all have intuition. We all have access to inspiration. We can all hear the wisdom of our soul. We can all communicate with the spiritual realm. The escalating crises in our world require us to discard outmoded and limiting ways of thinking. We must understand and believe what Albert Einstein said: “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.” Furthermore, this vast wellspring of creativity and inspiration is available not only to geniuses and mystics, but to all of us. It is the wisdom that our soul carries deep within each and every one of us. Humanity is evolving and access to this information is becoming easier. You can speed up this evolution by choosing to, as Mahatma Gandhi said: Be the change that you want to see in the world. Join us Thursday to learn how to access the wisdom of your soul.