Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Relationships: The Choices We Make



Relationships are about the choices we make in life. Sometimes we make choices that are not healthy for ourselves because we have been conditioned since birth by our families and-or society to act and think in certain ways. The conditioning can even start in the womb where we hear conversations between our mother and other people and feel her emotions. All of this goes deep into our cells and limits our choices--until we make a new choice and take charge of our own life. We can choose to stop putting the emotional, physical, mental or financial needs of others before those of ourselves. We can begin to ask the question: if we don't take care of our own needs, who will do it for us? And if we do keep putting ourselves last, do we realize that we will deplete our energy? If the well is dry, we have nothing to give! We must fill ourselves and make self-loving choices. This is our life and we are the most important person in our life. Join us Thursday to learn about the choices we make.