Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Way Out of Coercion



Some of you remember the story of Patty Hearst-Shaw, the granddaughter of the American publishing magnate, William Randolph Hearst. In 1974, she was kidnapped and told that she could either help her captors or be killed by them. This ended with her participating in an armed robbery and serving a prison sentence. Eventually she was released by presidential order and then pardoned. Most women coerced into illegal activities do not receive early release or a pardon. Patty Hearst-Shaw was targeted because of her lineage. Most women caught in intimate coercion got their because of growing up with abuse, coercion, control and feelings of hopelessness. Their childhood set them up to repeat the familiar pattern. There is hope, however. When we understand the roots of our behavior, we have the opportunity to change and start behaving in ways that are true to our own values and belief systems. Please join us Thursday when our repeat guest, Dr. Marti Loring, will show us the way out of coercion.