Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Saving Violent Boys



Most of my early career was spent in schools where drugs and violence were the norm. My first teaching job was in Detroit just before the summer riots of 1967 when that school was burnt to the ground. When I arrived in Dallas, I was placed in a junior high where a student had been killed in the hallway the previous year. I had a strong belief that these children could be helped by a teacher who had faith in them. That was true in some instances. In others it wasn't because the problem was systemic. We needed a village to make a difference, not a lone ranger. In my innocence, I did help some children. I remember the young man who learned how to read silently and was so grateful he brought his high school friends back to meet me. Then there were the 2 students in gifted classes who I ran into years later and attributed their current success to my talks with them. Please join me Thursday when Dr. James Garbarino helps us understand how we can save young boys who exhibit violent behavior.