Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Psychic Mediumship is Real



What if you knew that there really is a life beyond this one and that you are never alone? Furthermore, what if you allowed yourself to believe that your loved ones on the other side are really trying to communicate with you? We all hear messages in our head and see signs from our loved ones. We are so certain that they couldn't be real, however, that we usually ignore them or deny that we even saw or heard anything. If we could open a door within our minds to the possibility that these signs and messages are real, it would change our lives. Often, I literally feel my mother or sister next to me talking in my ear as if they were truly present. Sometimes they tell me things that we both know but give it a different twist to let me know that I'm not imagining it. That different twist is usually a joke to heal the past or supportive words that they would not have said before all of the healing that we've done since they died. Please join us Thursday to learn how you, too, can do this.