Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Signs, Symbols and Synchronicity



Signs, symbols and synchronicity are answers to prayer, messages from the spiritual realm, guidance, our intuition providing insight. They make the invisible visible. They provide information that is every bit as important as our dreams. Most of us are oblivious. Sometimes we catch a glimpse and think maybe this means something, but then our logical mind kicks in and tells us it's nonsense. Stick to the facts, it says. I was awakened from this state when as Director of Research in a school district, I would purchase important books on education for a staff resource library. I noticed that on numerous occasions, a principal would request a book that I just ordered or just received. It happened with such frequency that I couldn't ignore it. That began my journey of paying attention to what I was hearing, seeing and feeling. I started learning about animals as messengers, symbols in dreams, the meaning of numbers. Mostly, I paid attention. Join us Thursday to learn how to pay attention.