Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Heal Your Life with the Archangels



Fear is the absence of love. The Divine is pure love. When you are in fear, therefore, you are disconnected from the Divine. We are born into this life on earth with fear programmed into our experience. The journey to release fear in all of its various forms, e.g., anger, jealousy, guilt, shame, blame, regret, abuse, is the journey to oneness with the Divine. We do this by letting go of all the aspects of fear that we have collected over the years and by refilling with all the forms of love, e.g., forgiveness, gratitude, kindness, empathy, compassion, respect, hope, service, laughter, positive thinking. As we connect deeply with our Limitless Higher Self, we deepen our connection to the Divine. In doing so, we raise our vibration, which in turn raises the earth's vibration. This is the planetary shift that we are currently experiencing and people, like my guest, are guides on the path. Please join us Thursday to learn how the 12 Archangels can help you release fear and heal your life.