Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Life Design for Women: Conscious Living as a Force for Positive Change



We are in the process of great change. Our world has been dominated by the male way of doing and being, and women have had to fit into that model. If we wanted a career, we had to ignore our natural ways of being in the world. In fact, most of us don’t know ourselves very well because we have been busy meeting other people’s expectations and allowing them to define us. Women are inherently more cooperative, compassionate, empathetic, nurturing, creative and peace oriented. Those qualities are not valued in the workplace or outside of the home, but they are what is needed now if we are to solve our current global problems and create the world we want to live in. My guest has a process for weeding out the thoughts and actions that block your true purpose while helping you nurture your authentic self, rather than living your life through the dreams and fears of others. Please join us Thursday to learn about this hands-on guide to reclaim your power and become a force for positive change.