Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Warrior Heart Practice: A Simple Process to Transform Confusion into Clarity and Pain into Peace



Overwhelm, confusion and stress are the new norm, but they do not have to be. There is a lot we cannot control. We can, however, choose to use this time to take a deep look inward to reconnect with our inner knowing, realign with our true nature, and achieve freedom from the inside out. My guest used her own struggle with self-worth, fear of rejection, shame and blame to create a revolutionary process to help others assess their current emotional and mental state and reframe it. With her process, you learn to accept your emotions without fighting or judging them, realize the story you’re telling yourself, objectively evaluate the situation, define and focus your intent, and finally refocus your intent based upon your new perspective. Like a kaleidoscope, you can take the same pieces and make different designs. Please join us Thursday to discover how you can take life’s inevitable obstacles and rearrange the pieces to bring you peace and clarity.