Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Words that Incite Violence and How to Confront the Perpetrators



President Trump, like Hitler before him, uses 12 specific forms of communication that typically precede acts of mass violence up to and including genocide. My guest, Helio Fred Garcia, has documented these forms of speech and the instances where Trump’s dangerous rhetoric has motivated lone wolves to commit violence and murder. Garcia writes: (Ten days before the 2018 midterm elections,) “In a single week ... two separate terror attacks took place. One killed eleven people at worship in a synagogue. One failed but had targeted a dozen Trump critics with mail bombs. In both cases the perpetrators justified their actions by quoting Trump language. One of them, the mail bomber, described his conversion from being apolitical to being “a soldier in the war between right and left” that resulted from his several years in Trump’s orbit.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to recognize the 12 patterns of dangerous speech early, hold the perpetrators accountable, and prevent violence.