Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child: Heal Yourself and Your Relationship



Ten million Gen X and Baby Boomer parents are estranged from their adult children. Estrangement is different from just not talking to or seeing each other. It means your child treats you like a stranger. The severity ranges from being totally cutoff and never communicating to emotional disconnection even if you see each other to on-and-off estrangement. Parents feel guilt, shame, and sadness, which can turn into frustration and anger. While each situation is unique, there are practical and effective techniques all parents can use to understand and heal these painful breaches. Reconciliation is a slow process that can lead to renewed relations. Because relationships are about two people, we cannot control the outcome. We can, however, choose to heal ourselves by releasing the guilt, shame, and pain and finding self-love and wholeness. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal yourself and take steps to heal your relationship with your adult child.