Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Crystals for Physical, Psychological & Spiritual Healing



Whether you’re new to crystals, an expert, or anything in-between, my guest has new perspectives and a depth of knowledge to enrich everyone. Crystals are effective for healing because they emit energy. Each crystal contains energy to help us heal in specific ways. Since color also vibrates at its own frequency, it contributes to the healing powers of the crystal. For instance, Nicholas explains: “Green symbolizes growth, renewal, and regeneration. Green stones are therefore employed for physical healing as well as for abundance, luck, and harmony. These stones provide a sense of structure, expansion, and innovation. Green stones often invite compassion and an outward expression of love. In the physical body, green stones can be used to treat conditions affecting the heart, lungs, and immune system: they are adept in situations of infection and abnormal growths.” Please join us Thursday to learn about the physical, psychological, and spiritual healing powers of crystals.