Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Radical Intuition: Developing and Using Your Inner Power



My guest says: “Radical Intuition is an all-new way of understanding intuition. This ‘new school’ intuition challenges the fundamental nature of consciousness. It invites you to open your mind — and discover a revolutionary, new reality beyond “thinking” as we know it. This is a radical change in the way we understand and live in the world. As we learn to honor intuition over our critical minds – to honor our inner truth over the conditioning of the world – we are able to free our minds, once and for all, and reclaim the extraordinary power that awaits inside.” As we discard what others have told us we should and shouldn’t be, can and can’t do, we can discover our true selves. To do so, we must go deep inside, listen to our intuition, and trust it. Because of Covid-19, we have the quiet time to uncover who we really are and what our true path is. Please join us Thursday to learn how to connect with and develop your inner knowing.