Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Overwhelmed and Over It: Staying Centered in a Chaotic World



Women have been trained to be nurturers, care givers, and emotional support systems for everyone around them, at work, at home, and in the community. The result is that women take on too much and give too much until they are depleted. I remember changing my attitude and behavior when someone said to me: “If the well is dry, you have nothing to give.” I slowly began to realize that life is about giving and receiving. There must be a give and take, a balance between the two if we are to have a full and healthy life. Especially in this time of Covid-19, there is added stress on every family. Women are the emotional center of the family and are taking on the bulk of that stress. Changing long engrained patterns takes commitment, support, and patience. Please join us Thursday to discover how to stop blocking support and how to ask for and accept it when it is offered, thereby creating real balance, harmony, and peace.