Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

The Key to Attracting Your Ideal Partner: Become "The One"



Many of us get into a serious relationship and marry before we know who we are. We assume the other person will complete us. If we’re lucky, that person will grow with us and support us in becoming our true selves. When that is not the case, we can choose a different path and stop hiding the parts of ourselves that are not acceptable within our current relationship. When we heal the wounded parts of ourselves and find the strength to discover and live the best parts of ourselves, the perfect partner will appear. Allana writes: “Dating from empty doesn’t work. Dating as the fullness of you simply requires choosing what would delight you, then putting one foot in front of the other, integrating challenges as you go, keeping your vibration coherent to the best of your ability, enjoying support that shows up miraculously until you literally walk right into your ideal match.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to Become The One, know you belong, and keep a healthy intimate relationship.