Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Becoming an Empowered Empath: Leading with Sensitivity and Heart



“You’re too sensitive,” they said. In my late 50’s, I discovered why: I am an empath. I didn’t know what to do with the negative energy I absorbed from people, my environment, and the world. I developed physical conditions and illnesses and often felt tired and emotionally overwhelmed. Clearing out the negative energy, healing from the harm that was caused, and learning how to set emotional and energetic boundaries has changed my life. My guest, Wendy writes: “Your gift as an empath is that you feel what's true. You are connected to the subtle and can see beneath the layers…By expanding your capacity to embody your empathic gift, you become uniquely equipped to show others how to experience their authentic feelings and help heal the planet…we need empowered empaths who can give voice to what is unspoken, bring to light what is hidden, and heal what is suppressed.” Please join us Thursday to learn how empaths help us transform our consciousness with deep wisdom, sensitivity, and heart.