Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Pathways and Practices to Strengthen Our Soul



When we reconnect with our soul, we can experience the world from the perspective of the soul. We can discover what it means to live in the now and to be present with our inner and outer worlds. Negativity, which is toxic and drains our energy is replaced with positivity, which heals and increases our energy. From the vantage point of the soul, we can experience life with deep joy and fulfillment. Neale Lundgren says: “In these uncertain times, everyone feels chaos, uncertainty, and fear. What we need is a map and a means for connecting to our deepest selves as a bridge to the positive in one another. The underlying theme of my book is to unite those forces within ourselves that unfortunately divide unless we learn how to use and channel them. The thing that everyone can do to help solve the global problem is to rid oneself of negativity and neurosis.” Please join us Thursday to learn how to easily incorporate ancient spiritual technologies like breathing exercises, visualizations, affirmations, and more into