Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Mindfulness in the Garden: Spiritual Insights



My mother and aunt passed down their love of gardening to me and my sister. In her 90’s, when my aunt no longer had her own house, she would take pleasure in working in her son’s garden. It was a way of connecting with nature, relaxing, and creating beauty. I still plant some of their favorite flowers in my garden to help keep their memories alive. When I am trimming back plants or removing weeds, dead foliage, or withered flowers, I think about the cycles of life and what I need to trim back or remove in my own life. Everything has a time and a season. Removing what is no longer needed makes room for new plants in my garden and new opportunities in my life. Paying attention to what is happening in my garden helps me see more clearly what is happening in my life. Even the plants we choose affect us through the energy of their color and their spiritual meaning. For instance, daylilies carry the energy of impermanence, reminding us to appreciate every moment. Please join us Thursday to discover how mindfulness