Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

SFT Tapping for Self-Healing



Self-healing is an important component to any healing process. Whether we’re healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually, our active participation is essential to our success. That may seem self-evident, but it means more than just showing up for a healing appointment. If we are seeing someone, whether that person is an M.D., counselor, or alternative medicine practitioner, we need to be fully present and engaged. I remember one chiropractor telling me that he had some patients who received no benefit from the treatment because they weren’t fully engaged as partners in their own healing. They expected the healing to be done to them and for them. We need to help by actively allowing the healing and adding our energy and our commitment. SFT, Spiritual Freedom Technique, is a process that we can use for self-healing with or without a practitioner. The technique uses affirmations in conjunction with tapping specific places on our body. The tapping enhances the effectiveness of affirmations becau