Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Radical Loving: One God, One World, One People



Several years ago, I started wondering why we focus on our differences when we have so much that unites us. It’s a simple shift in perspective that allows us to see The Face of God—the reflection of eternal love--in everyone, regardless of religion, race, gender, socio-economic status, country of origin, age, sexual preference, and all the labels we create to develop the illusion of difference, the illusion of separateness. My guest, Rabbi Wayne Dosick writes, “These incredible challenging times call us to nothing less than a radical shift in human consciousness, a sweeping revolution, an unbounded evolution and transformation of humankind in the planet we inhabit. We envision a complete, unconditional, unreserved embrace of the World of Spirit and a World of Oneness.” Please join us Thursday to learn how we can restore civility, decency, grace, and dignity to our lives.