Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Supercharged Self-Healing: Rejuvenate and Repair



My guest writes: “My personal self-healing journey is medically documented and captured on video because I knew nobody would believe this was possible.” RJ has overcome chest-down paralysis, diabetes, pancreatitis, Hashimoto’s disease, and several other serious illnesses. His techniques have helped countless people across the globe with chronic illnesses, addictions, and physical, mental, or emotional problems that were not healed in other ways. His Ascend the Frequencies Healing Technique helps us achieve elevated states of consciousness and harness high-frequency energy for health, vitality, and deep inner peace. His seven-step process includes visualization, specific meditations, and mantras to reprogram our mind and body for regeneration and rejuvenation. With it, we can even eliminate illness completely. Please join us Thursday to learn how to heal debilitating health challenges and turn off the program of illness.