Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Living the True Values of 2022: Love, Harmony, and Balance



Everything has energy, including numbers. That’s why I have Alice on my show at the beginning of every year. She gives us valuable insight into how to use the dominant energies of the year to our advantage. When we are in sync with the Universal energies, our lives flow with more ease, joy, and grace. Two is the number of the Divine Feminine, which is interesting because there are three 2’s in 2022, and love, harmony, and balance are all qualities of the Divine Feminine. It is important to note that regardless of our gender, we all have characteristics within us that reflect the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Keeping the energies in balance within ourselves and within society is important for the well-being of all. The three 2’s add up to 6, which is the Universal number for this year. Alice will take a quick look at how her predictions for 2021 manifested throughout the year. She’ll then tell us what to expect in 2022 in the world and from our political leaders and how to avoid the potential negat