Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Use Your Intuition to Succeed in Business and in Life



Most of us have been taught to trust facts over intuition. We are afraid of being wrong or making a mistake that could decrease our income or upset our boss. So, we make choices that feel safe and are based on numbers, logic, and group think. Our fear prevents us from using and trusting our intuition. We can, however, learn to use our intuition and leverage it for success and increased happiness. We all have intuition, and we can all learn to trust it and use it to create the personal and professional life we want. Melanie has exercises and information to help us succeed in the workplace and in life. We can learn to interpret signs and synchronicities to assist us in decision making, to trust our intuition, banish doubt, and reach our goals. There are even ways to validate the accuracy of our intuition. Please join us Thursday to learn how to use intuition to succeed at work and in life.