Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Women Embracing Power: True Leadership & Healthy Relationships



Marsha is fearless in speaking the truth about challenges that are unique to women in leadership positions. They include misogyny from men, other women, and even from within ourselves. Aggression is not considered acceptable when it comes from women leaders; strong boundaries are often harder to set because of expectations; and conflict is something some women avoid to keep the peace rather than using it to create effective solutions. Women also have the strengths of empathy and compassion, which are currently the most sought-after qualities for leaders today. As women grow in our leadership and relationship skills and our support of each other, our authentic leadership style emerges. Marsha gives us the gift of a deep dive into what makes women unique and how we can look closely at our own strengths and challenges to become the best leaders and people we can be. Please join us Thursday to learn how women can enhance our strengths and grow stronger and wiser in the areas that were neglected in our education a