Uplift Your Life: Nourishment Of The Spirit

Becoming the Peace You Want to See in the World



Peace in the world begins with peace within each of us. As we change, everyone and everything around us changes. Quantum Physics teaches us that everything vibrates at a specific frequency. As we release fear, anxiety, shame, blame, and other negative emotions and thoughts, our vibration increases. Negative thoughts and emotions have a low frequency whereas positive thoughts and emotions have a high frequency. The more we stay in the high vibrations of love, gratitude, kindness, respect, harmony, balance, and peace, the higher our frequency is. The positive energy spreads to everyone in our lives, even the people we pass on the street. The result is that change in the world happens by each of us becoming more positive and thereby raising our frequency. Please join us Thursday to learn techniques to help you become the peace you want to see in the world.