Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 135: (Never) The End



Make Mine Multiversity was a twice-monthly podcast that premiered on the first and third Friday of every month.You read that right. "Make Mine Multiversity" is coming to a close in its current iteration. Jaina is moving on and the podcast is going onto an extended hiatus. Stick around until the end to hear more about that. However, we've got an episode to do! What did we read? Why, "Marvel: The End" of course. A six issue mini-series about the end of the marvel universe by Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Christie Scheele w/ Heroic Age Studios, and Cory Petit. Supposedly. There's a lot of Thanos.We also talked all about the rest of the "The End" books. Here's a brief list:“Incredible Hulk: The End” (2002)“Marvel: The End” (2003)“Wolverine: The End” (2003-2004)“Punisher: The End” (2004)“X-Men: The End” (2004-2006) 3 minis: “Dreamers and Demons”, “Heroes and Martyrs”, “Men and X-Men”“Fantastic Four: The End” (2006)“Iron Man: The End” (2009)“Spider-Girl: The End!” (2010)“Captain America: The End” (2020)“Captain Marvel: