Feng Shui | Holistic Spaces Podcast With Anjie Cho

Episode 268: Create a Mindful Bedroom with Feng Shui



In celebration of our forthcoming book, “Mindful Living: A guide to the everyday magic of feng shui” (August 13, 2024 CICO Books) we are initiating a new miniseries entitled “Creating a Mindful Home with Feng Shui” in which we will be exploring the symbolic meaning of each room. For the first installment we are taking a look at the bedroom. What does the bedroom represent or symbolize for you? From the placement of your bed to the things that you keep on your nightstand, the bedroom is the perfect place to start in connecting to the energetic realm and finding your path to mindful living with ease.We cover:-The placement of our beds as a primary consideration in adjusting the feng shui of the bedroom-Why if you don’t currently have a headboard on your bed, you may be experiencing some imbalance-The supportive and nurturing aspects of a well considered and placed rug-The potential benefits and consequences of storing things under our beds-Space clearing with bells and singing bowlsAnd much more.If you want to