Creative Thursday

329 20 plus Lessons Learned from 20 Years in Business



If I could go back and mentor my younger business self, the one who said yes to her dream of becoming a Professional Artist, the lessons learned that I share in this episode is what I would say.   Today, March 7 marks a celebration of not only 17 years of making a consistent living with my Creative Business but this February 2024 I celebrated 20 years since the very first site went live, featuring my Art work.   Back then I was so busy trying to make it all a go, that I didn't even know (or think I had the time) to intentionally hold a vision and actually plan out where I wanted to be 20 years ahead. For the longest time I was living in a pinch me state, wondering if what I was building wasn't just a temporary dream.   Turns out it wasn't a temporary dream, but one that would grow to help and support you in your Creative dreams too.   What would it have been like if I had the insight I have now when I first started?   That's the wish right, and yet it's the 20 years of lived experience st