

✨Have you ever had a life-long dream? Maybe you’ve gotten close, maybe you’ve worked adjacent to the dream, but you’ve never quite reached it. You’ve kept it through every rejection, every wrong turn, every almost—through it all the dream always burned on. Now imagine that one day, after years of preparation and imagining, that dream finally came true. Today’s guest has a story of just that and will teach you the beauty of a longer creative journey! Today’s guest is Zibby Owens! More info below :) From this conversation you’ll learn: -How to keep your belief in yourself through rejection -The benefits of a longer creative journey-Why a creative block can actually provide unexpected creativity down-the-line -Tools for what to do AFTER your greatest creative dream comes true -Why all good creativity starts with a questionGuest Bio: Zibby Owens is an author, award-winning podcast host of Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books, founder and CEO of Zibby Media, which includes the publishing house, Zibby Books, online c