Kate Hastings Show

How Unmet Childhood Needs Impact Us in Adulthood



Realizing what your human needs are is a total game-changer. It's what I talk about in my program's 3rd principle. Back when I didn't even know what 'needs' meant, I'd just push mine aside and focus on everyone else. But here's the kicker: that whole cycle of neglecting our own needs? It's a trap. We may not realize how we've suffered by neglecting our needs as we try to understand why we self-sabotage ourselves on a daily basis. But when your sense of self is built upon a system of survival and your personality is shaped by trauma responses, all while trying to obtain something you've never had and don't know how to get, it's one of the most helpless states to be in. Let me tell you, I used to have no clue what I even needed. And surprise, surprise, I ended up with partners who couldn't meet those invisible needs either. It's like we're playing this weird game of emotional hide-and-seek without even knowing the rules! Think back to when you were a kid—what did you really crave? Or what didn’t you have that y