The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

Truth, Lies, and Workplace Culture Podcast: When to Say Goodbye: Ending a Partnership with Joe Fier



Today's podcast is a very special episode of Hustle and Flowchart! We're incredibly honored to be sharing an episode of  Truth, Lies, and Workplace Culture podcast with Leanne and Al Elliott where they interviewed our very own Joe Fier. Together, they delve into the difficult topic of ending a business partnership and the emotional and professional impact it can have. The Elliotts share their personal insights, while Joe candidly reflects on his own recent separation from his long-time business partner, Matt Wolfe. They discuss the importance of communication, honesty, and respecting the visions that drive entrepreneurs, as well as how to recognize when it's time to part ways. Introduction to Partnership Dynamics The episode kicks off by dissecting the entrepreneurial spirit using insights from Hogan Assessment Systems, focusing on traits such as ambition and sociability, and their influence on business partnerships. Joe, Leanne, and Al discuss how these entrepreneurial traits form the foundation of many succ