Brilliant Observations

Credit Card Karma



We’ve had a bit of a viral moment on TikTok this week, Dear Listener, and wouldn’t you know it’s about some questionable activity (wholly endorsed). What can I say? Sometimes the things in my head come out of my face. And in this case, the things coming out of my face happened in the bathroom. Interested? Then listen on, Dear Listener — this episode is for you.  Topics covered include All Things Underpants (from going commando to carrying a spare pair to stray toilet paper mysteriously stuck to the wall), the phenomenon of TikTok sensation ReesaTeesa, and our personal favorite, Credit Card Fraud: How Would You Do It? We posed this HYPOTHETICAL question on TikTok in hopes of crowd sourcing some answers, and boy did the internet deliver. Check us out on TikTok at your own risk. And just in case no one’s told you this today, we love giving joke advice, which is not the same as actual advice to you or your loved ones. This show is for entertainment purposes only. The thoughts and views expressed are not legal adv