Locker Room

Six Values of Godly Men, with Daniel Mercer and Ian Schweitzer | Part 1



This week we’re wrapping up our Ethos of Godly Men series on Locker Room with the first of a two-part roundtable discussion on six characteristics that are mission-critical in building the culture of godly men. DISCUSSION GUIDE What is your worst haircut story? Looking back at your past outfits in life, what clothing choice do you regret the most? What is your biggest pet peeve? The first “H” is “Holy.” As said in the episode the words “holy” and “holiness” are used over 900 times in the bible. Why do you think it’s used that many times in scripture? The Hebrew word for “Holy” is “Kodesh” and that means “separate” or “set apart.” Does learning that meaning change your definition of what Holy means? What do you need to do to pursue Holiness? The second “H” is “Harmony.” In music, harmony is so noticeable when it goes wrong but is so great when it’s done well. Do you think it’s the same way in everyday life or in community? Where in your life do you need to seek harmony? What else from this episode did you lear