Visual Revolutionary

Episode #239: Scott Ballew / Filmmaker / Songwriter



Scott Ballew joins the podcast to talk about his inspiring creative evolution.  From his early days on the football fields of Texas that would ultimately lead to a Rose Bowl appearance, to working his way up from PA to Executive Producer on the commercial and film sets of LA, to returning to Austin to help create beautiful films for Yeti in his role as head of content, to directing his own documentaries and short films, to recording multiple albums and joining the amazing roster at La Honda Records, and how all the life experience in between continues to help feed his desire to never stop creating.  During our conversation we talk about his battle with drug and alcohol addiction and how sobriety and an amazing mentor in legendary musician Terry Allen would convince him to start putting his stories to music and, at the age of 37, become such a prolific songwriter that 3 albums would follow over the next 3 years on top of the whirlwind schedule of filmmaking that continues to this day.  We also discuss our shar