Agency Nation Radio - Insurance Marketing, Sales And Technology

Young Agents Take On The Hard Market: Operation Mentorship



The Big “I” Young Agents partnered with Trusted Choice to deliver information on the importance of mentorship as part of a special hard market bonus series on Agency Nation Radio. Guests Krista Kautz, Producer at Berrong Insurance, and Stewart Berrong, Owner of Berrong Insurance, were interviewed by Cash McMillen, National Young Agents Committee member, on their partnership as mentor and mentee. The conversation provides best practices for finding a mentor, approaching the relationship, and the learning from seasoned industry professionals. Kautz, when reflecting on asking Berrong to be her mentor, said, “One of my main things to mentees is to be curious. Ask the questions because I never would have gotten involved in the Young Agents program had I not said ‘hey I see this on your calendar. What is that? How do I get involved in that?” Kautz recommends that mentees have ambition when reaching out to their mentors. Having a drive to succeed and find new opportunities for growth will help form a stronger re