The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Done Isn't Easy: The Advice I Needed to Make My Project Deadline



In this episode, I bring on my long time friend and collaborator Christopher Jerard to discuss something I’ve been really struggling with lately: being stuck. Yes, it happens to all of us no matter how long you’ve been at it. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but a casual conversation between two friends around why we get stuck and how we can help ourselves get out of it. As the Vice President of the Outside Creator Studio, Christopher brings his extensive experience in media and publishing to the conversation. We dive deep into the topic of play and its transformative power. We discuss the work of Priya Parker on gathering and setting intentions, as well as the book "Play It Away" by Charlie Hone, which explores play as a relief from anxiety. We explore the benefits of play in creativity, connectivity, and overall well-being. Some highlights we explore: The struggle of feeling stuck and how it is a natural part of the creative process The importance of embracing the process and going deep to achieve