Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-2-8



news birthdays/events unacceptable things to do during zoom work meetings word of the day news how do you handle it when you have several friends (or their kids) that sell the same thing  game: guess the celebrity reading audio books is the superbowl too late in the year? news we need to start 'quitting with style'...or actually go back to it game: outburst in your line of work, what's the strangest customer service request? news how close are you to tossing your wallet in the trash? game: should have known that goodbye/fun facts....Laugh and Get Rich a day to laugh and to enjoy the many benefits that laughter brings. The biggest benefit of laughter is that it improves our health. Laughing can elevate our mood, lower stress and blood pressure, and strengthen the immune system. What most of us might not realize is that babies can laugh before they’re even close to speaking. Infants as young as 17 days old can laugh. That’s how ingrained laughter is in us! In fact, a number of scientific studies show t