Phantom Electric Ghost

PEG Conversation With Michelle Reittinger: Advocating for a radical shift in the treatment of bipolar to facilitate healing and recovery. From Suffering to Thriving-How to Heal Bipolar Disorder.



PEG Conversation With Michelle Reittinger: Advocating for a radical shift in the treatment of bipolar to facilitate healing and recovery. From Suffering to Thriving-How to Heal Bipolar Disorder. Biography Having been diagnosed with bipolar in 1998, Michelle spent the next 12 years on a roller coaster of manic and depressive episodes with therapists, doctors, psychotropic meds, hospitalizations, and suicide attempts. She was at her wit's end and felt humiliated, hopeless and lost. In particular, she was devastated by the toll it took on her family-her husband and small children. Finally, she and her psychiatrist found a solution that became a turning point in her story. She began the process of developing an integrated method for understanding this devastating disorder and successfully treating it. Michelle advocates for a radical shift in the treatment of bipolar to facilitate healing and recovery. She is all about accepting responsibility for yourself and overcoming the victimhood mentality that so often acc