My Business On Purpose

667: 4 Blind Spots Preventing Contractors From Retaining Talent and Growing Profit



Meet (Anad Rolyat) Construction supply business serving a local region (Anad Rolyat) Female owner, married with two children Retail and supply business serving a local region Been in business for 11 years Massive reputation for community engagement Working 6.5 days per week Thinking about work even when at home The bigger problem was this…when we reviewed her 2015 P&L…here is what it said… $5mm worth of sales… $50k of Net Profit (1%) 1%! $5mm worth of effort, work, marketing, sales, coordination, fear, worry, concern, frustration, stories, and people… $50k worth of Net Profit to show for it…she could go work for someone else and yield far more in far less time.   TO add insult, Anad’s employee turnover was similar to a Taco Bell… Employees coming and going, turning over like a car that just would not crank. Anad was suffering from a variety of ills that plague the majority of business owners.   Only 4% of businesses ever see their 10th birthday?   NO…#1 reason is = they get tired and