Comic Lab

How to Write a Short Story



We often advise that beginners write a few short stories to sharpen their comics-making skills before they tackle that 200-page epic that they're burning to produce! But how do you write a short story? Today's show offers an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide! Use this blueprint to participate in the ComicLab Short Story Challenge! PLUS... if it's a benefit to list your comic on as many eStores as possible, why is it a bad idea to do the same with crowdfunding platforms?ON THIS WEEK'S SHOW...How to Write a Short StoryThe ComicLab Short Story ChallengeUsing pre-readersThe More the Merrier, part 1 —Multiple eStores?The More the Merrier, part 2 — Multiple subscription sites?THE COMICLAB SHORT STORY CHALLENGEWrite a comic between eight and 16 pages using the Story Circle as a guide. The Story Circle has eight steps: You / Need / Go / Search / Find / Take / Return / Change. There is more information on the Story Circle in the links below. You may spend up to two pages on each step. No more. Each written page must