Page Fright: A Literary Podcast

85. Bodies and Water w/ andrea bennett



andrea bennett pops by to chat about their latest poetry collection, the berry takes the shape of the bloom. Andrew asks about bodies and gets too excited talking about the ocean. It's a fun one! ----- Listen to more episodes of Page Fright here. Follow the podcast on Instagram here. ----- andrea bennett is a National Magazine Award–winning writer and senior editor at The Tyee who lives in the Ayjoo mixw area of what is currently known as Powell River, B.C. Their previous book, Like a Boy but Not a Boy: Navigating Life, Mental Health, and Parenthood Outside the Gender Binary (Arsenal Pulp Press), was a CBC Books’ pick for the top Canadian nonfiction of the year. Their most recent book is the berry takes the shape of the bloom (Talonbooks). ----- Andrew French is an author from North Vancouver, British Columbia. They have published two chapbooks, Poems for Different Yous (Rose Garden Press, 2021) and Do Not Discard Ashes (845 Press, 2020). Andrew holds a BA in English from Huron University College at Weste