Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 132: The Hit Monkey's Paw Curls. Our 2023 Predictions REVEALED



Last year, Jaina and Elias once again attempted to become a precog and figure out what Marvel was going to get up to in 2023. 10 items each. 11 if you count the Secret Invasion holdover. 10 chances to find out who would win and subject the other to a comic with art they think is bad, bad, bad. Elias is competing to make them read "Major X," the "modern" Liefeld return to Marvel that was, uh, very, very odd. Jaina wants Elias to reevaluate his love of 'Castaway in Dimension Z,' the first arc of Rick Remender's 2012 "Captain America" run with art by John Romita Jr.They were shocked by how much they got right and unsurprised by how much they got wrong. But who won? Well, that would ruin the fun of listening if I told you now, wouldn't it?Next time, we thwip our way through the original 'Spider-verse' as the countdown to the end commences. If you want to read along, we're reading "Superior Spider-Man" #32-33, "Edge of Spider-Verse" (Vol. 1) #1-5 and "Amazing Spider-Man" (2014) #7-15. For completeness's sake,