Dumbing It Down With Dave

Getting past the QUIT #323



In this episode amongst several other things Dave mostly discussed “quitting”. He’s curious about what you’ve quit and why. What didn’t you quit and how do you avoid the quit? Quitting is often regarded to as failure… is it? Can it be a decision well thought out and the best option? This is episode #323 Please feel free to listen,comment, engage and SHARE this show on your social media. I’d really appreciate it. If you’d like you can call into the Dumbing it Down with Dave hotline at 1-347-338-8487. Leave a clean message about a minute or so and maybe we’ll play it on the next or future show. We’d love to have you join and engage with us in the Dumbing it Down with Dave Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/group... Twitter @dumbwithdavewww.DumbingitdownwithDave.com Email @ dumbingitdownwithdave@yahoo.com LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/da... Instagram @https://www.instagram.com/dumb...