Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-1-24



news birthdays/events things to do while we're waiting for spring word of the day news most impactful tv moments ever...what's something you'll never forget seeing on tv game:  prison commissary price is right burnout red flags news hidden features of common products game: password would you get a tattoo if it had your medical info on it? news when was the last time you belly laughed? game: movie password goodbye/fun facts....just do it day...It is a day that inspires us to do new things or to finally just do that one thing that we’ve been procrastinating for a while. The words “Just Do It” are ingrained in the American way of thinking and embody far more than just a shoe slogan. been putting something off...make that phone call...start picking/organizing that room...send the email or text you've been meaning to. today is the exact opposite of being a couch potato