Across The Aisle

Ep 64 - The Visitors, Vampire Lesbians of Sodom



Our last episode! We have been thinking about ending the show for quite some time and felt this was an appropriate punctuation point; The Visitors (spoilers - the best play Carla has ever seen) and the last production of Little One's theatre Lesbian Vampires of Sodom. A production company we felt a great affinity with (and along a similar timeline to this show). All great things must come to a conclusion, even 2000 year long lesbian vampiric frenemies. Thank you to everyone who have supported us over the years. Thank you to the incredible artists, whose works we have discussed and been inspired by. To Ron from Shackwest who has always made us sound so incredible. The Mark Gomes who has provided us with our compelling and perfect theme song for all these years and finally to Phil whose luminous proximity has made me so sharp and human xx Carla