My Business On Purpose

665: The Power of Writing your Vision Down



Aren’t there better ways to accomplish your Vision than by writing it down and just simply looking at it? In short, nope! But let’s talk about that today. Thomas Joyner with Business on Purpose here, thanks so much for listening. Let me introduce you to Eli Hanneman. Now, call me a geek…whatever you want to do. But Eli Hanneman is 20 years old, and from Lahaina, Hawaii. I’m a surfing nerd and follow the professional surfing tour called the CT or Championship Tour. Eli has been a prodigy since he was 12 years old. Everyone knew he was going to be the next great Hawaiian surfer. But, when his professional career started at 17 he limped along and basically was stuck in the minor leagues for the past 3 years…until a month ago…. HE finally qualified.  That day he posted a video to his social media. It’s a video of the Note app on his phone dating back to May 22 of 2022. The date he decided to start writing down his vision and keeping it in front of him regularly. Every morning he woke up, and wrote down the date a