Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP318 Bissett Financial Fitness Framework



As we step into the new year, it's the perfect time to get motivated and inspired about our financial fitness. In this episode, I draw parallels between physical and financial fitness, illustrating how both exist on a spectrum from beginners to experts. Dive into the three key elements of the Bissett Financial Fitness Framework: cash flow, savings, and debt management. Just like physical fitness—where cardio, strength training, and lifestyle choices play crucial roles—these financial elements are essential for a balanced and healthy financial life. Whether you're just starting to learn about budgeting or you're a sophisticated investor, this framework can help individuals and businesses alike, so make sure to tune in! “Tackle your financial life with the Bissett Financial Fitness Framework and become more financially fit.” - Tracey Bissett This Week on Young Money: Understanding the Bissett Financial Fitness Framework and its relevance in everyday life. What physical fitness has in common with financial fitn