Pursue Your Spark

#204 - 5 Pillars To A Fulfilled Midlife/ft. Bernie Borges



In the latest episode of the Pursue Your Spark Podcast, we begin an insightful journey into the essence of a fulfilled midlife. Heike chats with Bernie Borges, a seasoned B2B expert and podcast enthusiast, about the nuances of midlife fulfillment. Bernie, originally from New York City and now thriving in Tampa Bay, brings his rich experience from his successful 36-year marriage and his podcasting ventures, including the 'Midlife Fulfilled' Podcast. This episode centers around the concept of a fulfilled midlife, examining the 5 Pillars: Health, Fitness, Career, Relationships, and Legacy. Bernie and Heike challenge listeners to introspect their fulfillment levels in these critical life areas. Bernie's insights, drawn from his diverse experiences, shed light on the less discussed yet crucial aspects of midlife. We unravel the true meaning of midlife, offering a fresh perspective that goes beyond the conventional chronological definition. Bernie's approach to defining midlife is rooted in logic and personal