Horror Hill

2: S1E02 – Horror Hill



In this second episode of Horror Hill (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/shows/horror-hill/) , we bring you two spine-tingling tales from The Claverhouse Emails (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/the-claverhouse-emails/) and Soren Narnia (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/soren-narnia/) , performed by host and narrator Jason Hill (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/performers/jason-hill/) , the first a cautionary tale of downward spirals and second chances, the second dealing in death, destiny and what happens when an unstoppable force meets in immovable object. Stories featured in this episode “Still Waters” by The Claverhouse Emails – more info about this author (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/the-claverhouse-emails/) “Lighthouse” by Soren Narnia – more info about this author (http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/authors/soren-narnia/) See full episode details, including the text of the featured stories, here: http://www.simplyscarypodcast.com/series/horror-hill/s1e02-hh/ Podcast exec